The War of the Three Emperors is over. Russia and France are now friends
and allies. Come celebrate the peace (while we can) and dance the evening
away in the company of the Czar of all the Russias and his many French,
English and even Austrian guests.
Costumes admired but not required. Dance partners not required and dances are taught at the ball. Take part in games of chance, lively conversation and the hospitality of the court's table (gifts of comestibles are appreciated).
Music by the Divertimento Orchestra; Dance Master Alan Winston.
Subscriptions $15 in advance (must be received no later than Oct. 9); $20
at the door.
$2 discount for members of GBACG, BACDS and Brigade Napoleon.
Send form and checks to BAERS c/o Vanessa Schnatmeier
1122 Hudson St. Redwood City, CA 94061
If you would like to contribute to the bill of fare that
evening, need directions or have questions, please contact Jolie Velazquez
at or call 415-353-0474.