Regency Dance Elsewhere

  • Valley Area English Regency Society (Los Angeles area, California) BAERS co-founder Laura Beraha's group has met online through the pandemic and plans to restart in-person dancing in June 2022.

  • Somewhere in Time (Seattle, Washington) sponsors events set in many venues, including the Regency, at which there are sure to be wonderful costumes, excellent food, and occasional dancing. Send email to Agnes Gawne, newsletter editor.

  • Tapestry Regency Dance is a subgroup of the offerings from the Tapestry Historic Dance Ensemble, a dance troupe that performs Colonial, Regency and Victorian programs at historic sites and special events in the greater Philadelphia region. John and Lynn Symborski run the group.

  • The Georgian Society (Albuquerque, New Mexico) meets for monthly dance practices, and occasional balls. Though they focus on the dances of the Regency, they chose to call themselves the Georgian Society because some of their members enjoy the elaborate dress of the mid-late 18th century as well as that of the early 19th century. Either form of dress is welcome at their functions. Check their web page, or send email to Pati Nagle.

  • Susan de Guardiola Social dance researcher and instructor precepts historical balls of many eras, teaches classes in person and online. She publishes research result and maintains a lively discussion at her blog "Capering and Kickery".

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    Page maintained by Vanessa Schnatmeier
    Updated December 22, 1998.