Literature or a love of sewing lured many of us into this peculiar form
of virtual time-travel. These areas, unlike other aspects of the
Regency on line, tend to be covered exhaustively elsewhere, so we'll
offer only the choicest links here.
- Jessamyn's
Regency Costuming Companion offers inspirational images, advice on patterns, practical guides to throwing your
own costume together, details on creating the perfect Regency wedding, and
thoughts on how to find places in your area to which you could wear your brand
new costume.
- The Jas. Townsend web site offers
historical patterns appropriate for not only the English Regency events,
but for the American Federalist period.
- The Historic Costume
Research home page, by Penny E. Dunlap Ladnier, offers access to Ladnier's
online resources for researching period costume for private individuals,
authors, designers, theatre, film and television. Ladnier displays her "bookshelf"
of costume links on this page.
- La Mode Bagatelle, "gracefully rendered historical patterns by Susan
Pasco and Tamara Fidler, costumiers", offers the best patterns for Regency
garments we've seen yet. The "Regency Wardrobe Pattern" provides instructions
for an entire Regency wardrobe, complete with embroidery transfers. Unfortunately,
they have gone out of business, but the patterns are still available from
other vendors.
- The Regency Page
is a marvelous Regency resource, replete not only with costuming links but
also with links to period literature and art.
- Lavolta Press, the publishing
house headed by vintage dance instructors Fran Grimble and Allan Terry,
offers several fine volumes that focus on Regency costume and other historical
- Satin Shadow Designs makes
custom historical costume, including Regency and Georgian for ladies and
Jane Austen
The Jane Austen Society of North America
is the Austen group for those in the world of academia, or those simply
interested in the hard-core literary and critical underpinnings of Austen's
The Jane Austen
Information Page, an exhaustive and seductive links page with complete
texts for Austen works, could keep an Austen obsessive happy for days on
end. We enjoy the Top Ten Austen Songs and Top Ten Austen Punishments pages.
Georgette Heyer
In a sense, Heyer was responsible for the Regency dance movement. Back
when Regency dancing started, as distinct from the English country
dancing torch carried by groups such as the
Country Dance and Song Society, it began
at a science-fiction convention, sparked by fans of Heyer, not of
The Georgette Heyer Mailing List
Companion: "Georgette Heyer is Jane Austen on Rollerblades!" says
listmember Helen Garth. A slew of Heyer links from the Heyer fans who
can take off their in-line skates long enough to sit at the computer.
The Georgette Heyer
Homepage: We particularly recommend the page devoted to Georgette
Heyer's dislike of the color puce.