In the spirit of scientific inquiry, the Bay Area English Regency
invites you to participate in the Fifth Annual
Regency Science Fair
Arlington Community Church |
The Committee of the Royal Academy of Scientific
History is again soliciting scientists, inventors, costumers, and tinkerers
to present their latest discoveries, inventions, and research. We are open to
proposals from all school levels, sciences, and interested laypersons. Since
the Bay Area English Regency Society (BAERS) focuses on the historical period
surrounding the English Regency -- roughly 1790 to 1830 -- we're attempting
to create a "science fair" as it might have been done in the Regency. Many branches
of science and technology, some now discredited, were born at this time.
Presentations may include, but are not limited
We are especially seeking presentations on such topics as engineering, mathematics, medicine, undersea exploration, and other scientific and technological matters. Presentations that invite audience participation are particularly welcome. However, feel free to propose your own work for the Academy's rigorous review. You are not limited to the sciences studied in England. Merely remember that nobody at the fair, including you, will know any scientific discoveries from later than approximately 1830. Any idea, however outrageous, will be considered for inclusion. The committee fully appreciates the fact that the greatest scientific minds were ridiculed in their time.
Deadline to sign up as a participant in the science
fair is April 15th, 2005.
We will welcome interested onlookers throughout the afternoon. There
may even be a spot of dancing at the end of the afternoon -- even scientists
enjoyed a good dance or two.
Would you like to participate? Join the
mailing list at,
or contact Vanessa Schnatmeier at
or (650) 365-2913